3 Amendments By Rep. Conyers

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Alex Diamantopulo
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З нами з: 13 березня 2014, 00:20
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3 Amendments By Rep. Conyers

Повідомлення Alex Diamantopulo »

Jun 11 2015
U.S. House Passes 3 Amendments By Rep. Conyers To Defense Spending Bill To Protect Civilians From Dangers Of Arming and Training Foreign Forces

WASHINGTON— Late yesterday evening, the U.S. House of Representatives considered H.R. 2685, the “Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2015.” During consideration of the legislation, Congressman John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich.) and Congressman Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) offered bipartisan amendments to block the training of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi paramilitary militia “Azov Battalion,” and to prevent the transfer of shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles—otherwise known as Man-Portable Air-Defense Systems (MANPADS)—to Iraq or Ukraine.

“If there’s one simple lesson we can take away from US involvement in conflicts overseas, it’s this: Beware of unintended consequences. As was made vividly clear with U.S. involvement in Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion decades ago, overzealous military assistance or the hyper-weaponization of conflicts can have destabilizing consequences and ultimately undercut our own national interests,” said Rep. John Conyers. “I am grateful that the House of Representatives unanimously passed my amendments last night to ensure that our military does not train members of the repulsive neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, along with my measures to keep the dangerous and easily trafficked MANPADs out of these unstable regions.”

Ukraine’s Azov Battalion is a 1,000-man volunteer militia of the Ukrainian National Guard that Foreign Policy Magazine has characterized as “openly neo-Nazi,” and “fascist.” Ukraine’s Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, who oversees Ukraine’s armed militias, announced that Azov troops would be among the first units to be trained by the Pentagon in Operation Fearless Guardian, prompting significant international concern.

Since their initial use on a battlefield in 1978, MANPAD attacks have resulted in nearly 1,000 civilian deaths.

Added Conyers, “Both U.S. and Israeli officials have feared that these weapons could be used by terrorists to bring down commercial jets. As the boundaries are increasingly blurred between insurgents fighting the Syrian government and those fighting the Iraqi government, providing additional arms could further destabilize the Middle East. The same can be said for Ukraine, where an anti-aircraft missile allegedly downed Flight MH17 last summer, killing 298 civilians. The possibility that MANPADS—or any weapon—could fall into the hands of radical groups in Iraq, Syria, or Ukraine, would unquestionably increase the already-devastating human toll in both of these volatile regions.”

According to Reuters, The Azov battalion originated from a paramilitary national socialist group called "Patriot of Ukraine", which propagated slogans of white supremacy, racial purity, the need for authoritarian power and a centralized national economy. Azov’s controversial founder, Andriy Biletsky, organized the neo-Nazi group the Social-National Assembly (SNA) in 2008.

“The Azov men use the neo-Nazi Wolfsangel (Wolf’s Hook) symbol on their banner and members of the battalion are openly white supremacists, or anti-Semites,” wrote The Telegraph. Since Azov was enrolled as a regiment of Ukraine's National Guard in September and started receiving increased supplies of heavy arms, however, Biletsky has toned down his rhetoric, Reuters reported. According to the Washington Post, battalion members “could potentially strike pro-Russian targets on their own — or even turn on the [Ukrainian] government” if it pursues a diplomatic resolution to the conflict.

Оригінал: http://conyers.house.gov/index.cfm/press-releases?ID=0DC46F90-801E-433D-B565-5E8A67C81A83

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З нами з: 16 березня 2014, 11:03
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кончені республіканці. випадок, коли слова розходяться з ділом.
Це ось комплекси такого типу, якими вже користуються рашисти. В Росії вистачило грошей, щоб вплинути на американський конгрес.
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ozi lucky
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З нами з: 20 квітня 2014, 12:40
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кумденість ситуації в тому, що Україна сама виготовляє досить багато зброї, багато на продаж. І при цьому просить озброєння. Причому деякі зразки досить непогані. тому деякі американці чухають потилицю і думають "якого чорта вони просять зброю, як в них самих є, та вони її ще й продають".
з іншої сторони є будапештський меморандум - і зброю можна було б дати хоча через це - не воодите війська, то дайти вашої зброї. хорошої зброї багато ніколи не буває.
Thruth is more in the process than in the result

- Jiddu Krishnamurti -
Аватар користувача
ozi lucky
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З нами з: 20 квітня 2014, 12:40
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Повідомлення ozi lucky »

Alex Diamantopulo писав:Jun 11 2015

According to Reuters, The Azov battalion originated from a paramilitary national socialist group called "Patriot of Ukraine", which propagated slogans of white supremacy, racial purity, the need for authoritarian power and a centralized national economy. Azov’s controversial founder, Andriy Biletsky, organized the neo-Nazi group the Social-National Assembly (SNA) in 2008.

“The Azov men use the neo-Nazi Wolfsangel (Wolf’s Hook) symbol on their banner and members of the battalion are openly white supremacists, or anti-Semites,” wrote The Telegraph. Since Azov was enrolled as a regiment of Ukraine's National Guard in September and started receiving increased supplies of heavy arms, however, Biletsky has toned down his rhetoric, Reuters reported. According to the Washington Post, battalion members “could potentially strike pro-Russian targets on their own — or even turn on the [Ukrainian] government” if it pursues a diplomatic resolution to the conflict.

Оригінал: http://conyers.house.gov/index.cfm/pres ... 8A67C81A83

Які ваші враження? Рашисти дико радіють і хваляться цим на телеканалах. Все зовсім погано?

ну раніше вони лякали Правим Сектором всіх (ще на Майдані). були теж схожі статті - що от "радикали", "фашиствующі молодчики". лякали-лякали, лякали-лякали... тепер лякають Азовом. наступний етап інформаційної війни. це якийсь конгресмен з Мічігану (це там де Детройт). ну чорт з ним. він ніколи в Україні не був. та й в Росії теж. починає з чужої подачі ймовірно свої лекала ліпити на іншу країну.
Thruth is more in the process than in the result

- Jiddu Krishnamurti -
Аватар користувача
Alex Diamantopulo
Повідомлень: 2237
З нами з: 13 березня 2014, 00:20
Звідки: Івано-Франківськ / Montreal, QC
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Контактна інформація:

Повідомлення Alex Diamantopulo »

Так от дійсно справа ж не втому що дають чи не даюь зброю і яку саме... Справа в відношенні і прокремлівській пропаганді.
Повідомлень: 4307
З нами з: 16 березня 2014, 11:03
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Повідомлення smisha »

Ось наприклад це:
Since their initial use on a battlefield in 1978, MANPAD attacks have resulted in nearly 1,000 civilian deaths.
Шановний містер, в Україні вже більше 7 тисяч жертв російського вторгнення. Але це стандартний конвеєр рашистської пропаганди - "нацисти - мертві діти - путін-всіх-спасе". Бо якщо ти не даєш можливості протистояти агресору, значить ти підтримуєш його політику.
Повідомлень: 4307
З нами з: 16 березня 2014, 11:03
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Повідомлення smisha »

Є відповідь Азову з цього приводу:
The Azov regiment is “outraged” by statements in the USA House of Representatives.
The House of Representatives of the US Congress is considering an amendment refusing to train the Azov regiment for budget money. One representative called the regiment “neo-Nazi.” According to the initiators of the amendment, with time the warriors may turn the weapons against their own people and go against the government. Azov is outraged by these allegations and reply that they are patriots and do not appeal to global ideological currents. Experts, in their turn, believe that such a decision in the House of Representatives can be called a “defeat of Ukrainian diplomacy.”

The corresponding amendments to bill HR 2685 “On defense spending in 2015″ in the lower house of the US Congress, the House of Representatives, were approved without hesitation. According to this decision, if it comes into force, the Azov regiment will lose the right to be financed and Ukraine will not receive MANPADS. Democrat Congressman John Conyers and Republican Congressman Ted Yoho were the initiators of these changes.

To persuade his colleagues, Conyers stated, “These groups contradict American values, and as soon as hostilities cease they will become a serious threat to the government of Ukraine and its people.” He compared Azov with the Mujahideen in Afghanistan, which at one time were actively equipped by the US. Conyers remarked that when the Soviet-Afghan conflict was over, the Mujahideen did not lay down their arms. By analogy, the congressman added, “Azov” can also “turn against their own people to impose their hateful views upon them.”

The representative also stated that Andriy Biletskyi, the regiment’s leader, organized the neo-Nazi Social-National Assembly in 2008 and that Azov uses neo-Nazi symbols on their flag.

Later, addressing his voters from his official site, Conyers called representatives of Azov “repulsive neo-Nazis,” stressing that they are described this way by a number of American and international media: Foreign Policy Magazine, Reuters, The Telegraph, The Washington Post.

The site also states that Biletskyi and his supporters are forming Azov on the basis of racism and anti-Semitism and that they reject democracy. Conyers also fears, referring to The Washington Post, that the battalion may “pursue pro-Russian forces in an uncontrolled manner or even turn against the Ukrainian government, if it insists on a diplomatic solution of the conflict.” The US is only trying to “avoid undesirable consequences,” noted the congressman.

“As was made vividly clear with U.S. involvement in Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion decades ago, overzealous military assistance or the hyper-weaponization of conflicts can have destabilizing consequences and ultimately undercut our own national interests,” Conyers is quoted on his site.

A day before, a similar position was voiced by the press secretary of the White House Josh Earnest during the G7 summit in Germany. He stressed that the US will not supply offensive weapons to Ukraine, since it will not promote a peaceful solution to the conflict in the east of the country.

“I can say that the position of the (US – Ed.) President has not changed regarding not providing additional offensive weapons to Ukraine. Supplying additional weapons would only lead to further escalation of the situation, according to the president. And it should be resolved diplomatically,” Earnest stressed.
Azov is outraged by such statements of Congress representatives

Azov is outraged about the allegations of Nazi ideology and advises the US to better analyze their own behavior in the international arena, noting that “Azov always stood on the positions of patriotism and never appealed to any other global ideological currents. ”

“Instead, we would like to remind that the United States has assumed under the Budapest memorandum to guarantee the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. Please note that the level of implementation of these safeguards taken by the US is in an extremely poor condition,” Azov adds in their statement (below is a translated post of the original Ukrainian statement posted by the regiment’s English-language FB page).

In an exclusive comment to RFERL, the spokesman of the commander of the Azov regiment Oleksandr Alfyorov reminded the United States about their own commitments. “It is good that Congress representatives think about this, but it’s a pity that they forgot about the Budapest Memorandum,” he said.
The decision on Azov is a defeat of Ukrainian diplomacy?

According to political expert Kostyantyn Matviyenko, such a resounding decision in the House of Representatives is a “defeat of Ukrainian diplomacy.”

“This decision was made suddenly, nobody knew about it being prepared. It is unknown how the monitoring on the base of which such a position was formed was done,” said the expert.

Matviyenko stresses that there is still no official position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. This gives evidence, the expert added, that Ukrainian diplomats do not monitor, control, or predict processes.

Instead, political scientist Oleksandr Paliy emphasizes that there is currently only the position of the House of Representatives, not the general position of the United States. According to him, accusing Azov of neo-Nazism is far from the truth.

“Some people see certain things in a banana, according to Freud. There are questions directed at Azov symbols and abstract issues. There are no fascist of Nazi practices in Azov. There are Russians, some Poles, some Croats in their ranks , and there is no fascism there,” he says.

According to Paliy, the U.S. does not understand that these radical movements are actually alien to Ukraine. Paliy adds that if a representative of Azov does display Nazi symbols or rhetoric, this is perceived by society as a relapse. “For Ukrainians, who were victims of genocidal politics in the 20th century, and who are experiencing aggression today, references to fascism are strange and unnatural,” he says.
Not everyone in the United States supports Ukraine – Romaniuk

We should remember that the US supports pluralism and thus we should not forget that not all Americans support Ukraine. So commented Anatoliy Romaniuk, Director of the Center for Political Studies, on the decision of the House of Representatives.

According to Romaniuk, right-wing currents can definitely be present in the structure of the regiment, but we should not classify the entire military formation as neo-Nazi. However, he advises realistic assessment of the situation in Ukraine and in the ATO. “We need to assess it realistically. We shouldn’t decorate and avoid problem issues. Because these problematic aspects are widely used against us,” he said.

The Azov regiment is a regiment of the National Guard of Ukraine based in Mariupol of the Donetsk Oblast. It is involved in the anti-terrorist operation in the south of Donetsk Oblast, mainly within the Azov Sea coastal region. Its leader, Andrei Biletskyi, in a recent interview noted that in Azov there are “many Belarusians, Georgians, people from the EU. Fewer Americans and Canadians. They think that Putin’s idea of “Eurasianism” poses significant danger to European democracy and their homes.”
Аватар користувача
ozi lucky
Повідомлень: 1754
З нами з: 20 квітня 2014, 12:40
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відео відповідь Білецького

Thruth is more in the process than in the result

- Jiddu Krishnamurti -
Повідомлень: 4307
З нами з: 16 березня 2014, 11:03
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Повідомлення smisha »

Маккейн про відмову озброїти Україну: це найганебніша сторінка історії США
Американський сенатор Джон Маккейн, відомий лобіюванням інтересів України, вважає ненадання Києву зброї для захисту від Росії "однією з найбільш ганебних сторінок в історії США".
Про це він заявив в ефірі радіопередачі John CATS Roundtable Radio Show у неділю, повідомляє BuzzFeed.
"Але дозвольте мені просто сказати, що однією з найбільш ганебних сторінок в американській історії є відмова надати українцям зброю для самозахисту, у той час як Володимир Путін розриває їхню країну", – сказав він.
"Таке трапилося вперше з часу Другої світової війни. Українці не просили Америку ввести війська, вони лише просили зброю, щоб захистити себе, їх вбиває Володимир Путін і його маріонетки, це ганебно", – додав він.
Як відомо, раніше США надали Україні нелетальні засоби захисту, але відмовили у наданні зброї.
Аватар користувача
ozi lucky
Повідомлень: 1754
З нами з: 20 квітня 2014, 12:40
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Повідомлення ozi lucky »

ще одне нове інтерв"ю Білецького про те, що в нас "немає озброєнь" і нам треба просить її на Заході
Thruth is more in the process than in the result

- Jiddu Krishnamurti -

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